Friday 29 August 2014

start and stop SAP ERP & HANADB running on Suse Linux

Start & Stop SAP ERP Running on SAP HANA DB in SUSE Linux


log in to operating system using root where the application is running

Start SAP Application 
 switch user to  sidadm
1.HOSTNAME:~ # su - sidadm
2.HOSTNAME:sidadm 51> startsap
hostname:~ # 
hostname:~ # su - sidadm
hostname:sidadm 56> startsap
Checking db Database
Database is running
Starting Startup Agent sapstartsrv
Instance Service on host hostname started
starting SAP Instance ASCS01
Startup-Log is written to /home/sidadm/startsap_ASCS01.log
/usr/sap/TFS/ASCS01/exe/sapcontrol -prot NI_HTTP -nr 01 -function Start
Instance on host hostname started
Starting Startup Agent sapstartsrv
Instance Service on host hostname started
starting SAP Instance DVEBMGS00
Startup-Log is written to /home/sidadm/startsap_DVEBMGS00.log
/usr/sap/SID/DVEBMGS00/exe/sapcontrol -prot NI_HTTP -nr 00 -function Start
Instance on host hostname started
hostname:sidadm 57> 

log in to operating system using root where the application is running

Stop SAP Application 
 switch user to  sidadm
1.HOSTNAME:~ # su - sidadm
2.HOSTNAME:adm 51> stopsap
hostname:~ # 
hostname:~ # su - sidadm
hostname:sidadm 55> stopsap 
Checking db Database
Database is running
stopping the SAP instance DVEBMGS00
Shutdown-Log is written to /home/sidadm/stopsap_DVEBMGS00.log
/usr/sap/SID/DVEBMGS00/exe/sapcontrol -prot NI_HTTP -nr 00 -function Stop
Instance on host hostname stopped
Waiting for cleanup of resources
stopping the SAP instance ASCS01
Shutdown-Log is written to /home/sidadm/stopsap_ASCS01.log
/usr/sap/SID/ASCS01/exe/sapcontrol -prot NI_HTTP -nr 01 -function Stop
Instance on host hostname stopped
Waiting for cleanup of resources
hostname:sidadm 56> 

Display Primary application server instance: DVEBMGS00 Status (Running or Stopped or Starting):
hostname:sidadm 57> sapcontrol -nr 00 -function GetProcessList

13.01.2022 08:40:15
name, description, dispstatus, textstatus, starttime, elapsedtime, pid
disp+work, Dispatcher, GREEN, Running, 2022 01 13 08:18:11, 0:22:04, 28656
igswd_mt, IGS Watchdog, GREEN, Running, 2022 01 13 08:18:11, 0:22:04, 28657
gwrd, Gateway, GREEN, Running, 2022 01 13 08:18:12, 0:22:03, 28675
icman, ICM, GREEN, Running, 2022 01 13 08:18:12, 0:22:03, 28676
hostname:sidadm 58>

Display ABAP Central Services instance (ASCS instance): ASCS01 Status (Running or Stopped or Starting):
hostname:sidadm  58> sapcontrol -nr 01 -function GetProcessList

13.01.2022 09:29:30
name, description, dispstatus, textstatus, starttime, elapsedtime, pid
msg_server, MessageServer, GREEN, Running, 2022 01 13 08:17:59, 1:11:31, 27122
enserver, EnqueueServer, GREEN, Running, 2022 01 13 08:17:59, 1:11:31, 27123
hostname:sidadm  59> 


Start & Stop  SAP HANA DB Running in SUSE Linux

Step1: Checking the status of  SAP HANA DB System process list if (running or stopped)

log in to operating system using root where the SAP HANA db is running

hostname1:~ #

hostname1:~ # su - dhtadm


dhtadm@hostname1:/usr/sap/DHT/HDB00> sapcontrol -nr 00 -function GetProcessList

05.03.2021 07:53:06



name, description, dispstatus, textstatus, starttime, elapsedtime, pid

hdbdaemon, HDB Daemon, GREEN, Running, 2020 10 30 19:51:57, 3012:01:09, 16473

hdbcompileserver, HDB Compileserver, GREEN, Running, 2020 10 30 19:52:14, 3012:00:52, 16737

hdbdiserver, HDB Deployment Infrastructure Server, GREEN, Running, 2020 10 30 19:53:10, 3011:59:56, 18668

hdbdiserver, HDB Deployment Infrastructure Server-, GREEN, Running, 2020 10 30 19:53:10, 3011:59:56, 18672

hdbindexserver, HDB Indexserver-DET, GREEN, Running, 2020 10 30 19:52:16, 3012:00:50, 16791

hdbindexserver, HDB Indexserver-QET, GREEN, Running, 2021 03 04 09:00:59, 22:52:07, 29885

hdbindexserver, HDB Indexserver-DHT, GREEN, Running, 2020 10 30 19:52:16, 3012:00:50, 16797

hdbnameserver, HDB Nameserver, GREEN, Running, 2020 10 30 19:51:58, 3012:01:08, 16497

hdbpreprocessor, HDB Preprocessor, GREEN, Running, 2020 10 30 19:52:14, 3012:00:52, 16740

hdbwebdispatcher, HDB Web Dispatcher, GREEN, Running, 2020 10 30 19:53:10, 3011:59:56, 18675

hdbxscontroller, HDB XS Controller, GREEN, Running, 2020 10 30 19:53:10, 3011:59:56, 18678

hdbxsengine, HDB XSEngine-DHT, GREEN, Running, 2020 10 30 19:52:16, 3012:00:50, 16803

hdbxsexecagent, HDB XS Execution Agent, GREEN, Running, 2020 10 30 19:53:10, 3011:59:56, 18681

hdbxsuaaserver, HDB XS UAA Server, GREEN, Running, 2020 10 30 19:53:10, 3011:59:56, 18684

hdbdpserver, HDB DPserver-QET, GREEN, Running, 2021 03 04 11:02:57, 20:50:09, 911

hdbdpserver, HDB DPserver-QET, GREEN, Running, 2021 03 04 16:01:11, 15:51:55, 23440

hdbdpserver, HDB DPserver-QET, GREEN, Running, 2021 03 04 11:01:13, 20:51:53, 32001

hdbdpserver, HDB DPserver-QET, GREEN, Running, 2021 03 04 11:14:32, 20:38:34, 3912


log in to operating system using root where the SAP HANA db is running

hostname1:~ #

hostname1:~ # su - dhtadm

dhtadm@hostname1:/usr/sap/DHT/HDB00> sapcontrol -nr 00 -function StopSystem ALL

05.03.2021 07:53:27

Step3.1:Checking the status of  SAP HANA DB System process list if (stopped)
dhtadm@hostname1:/usr/sap/DHT/HDB00> sapcontrol -nr 00 -function GetProcessList

05.03.2021 07:53:40
name, description, dispstatus, textstatus, starttime, elapsedtime, pid
hdbdaemon, HDB Daemon, YELLOW, Stopping, 2020 10 30 19:51:57, 3012:01:43, 16473
hdbcompileserver, HDB Compileserver, YELLOW, Stopping, 2020 10 30 19:52:14, 3012:01:26, 16737
hdbdiserver, HDB Deployment Infrastructure Server, YELLOW, Stopping, 2020 10 30 19:53:10, 3012:00:30, 18668
hdbdiserver, HDB Deployment Infrastructure Server-DHT, YELLOW, Stopping, 2020 10 30 19:53:10, 3012:00:30, 18672
hdbindexserver, HDB Indexserver-DET, YELLOW, Stopping, 2020 10 30 19:52:16, 3012:01:24, 16791
hdbindexserver, HDB Indexserver-QET, YELLOW, Stopping, 2021 03 04 09:00:59, 22:52:41, 29885
hdbindexserver, HDB Indexserver-DHT, YELLOW, Stopping, 2020 10 30 19:52:16, 3012:01:24, 16797
hdbnameserver, HDB Nameserver, YELLOW, Stopping, 2020 10 30 19:51:58, 3012:01:42, 16497
hdbpreprocessor, HDB Preprocessor, YELLOW, Stopping, 2020 10 30 19:52:14, 3012:01:26, 16740
hdbwebdispatcher, HDB Web Dispatcher, YELLOW, Stopping, 2020 10 30 19:53:10, 3012:00:30, 18675
hdbxscontroller, HDB XS Controller, YELLOW, Stopping, 2020 10 30 19:53:10, 3012:00:30, 18678
hdbxsengine, HDB XSEngine-DHT, YELLOW, Stopping, 2020 10 30 19:52:16, 3012:01:24, 16803
hdbxsexecagent, HDB XS Execution Agent, YELLOW, Stopping, 2020 10 30 19:53:10, 3012:00:30, 18681
hdbxsuaaserver, HDB XS UAA Server, YELLOW, Scheduled, , , -1
hdbdpserver, HDB DPserver-QET, YELLOW, Scheduled, , , -1
hdbdpserver, HDB DPserver-QET, YELLOW, Scheduled, , , -1
hdbdpserver, HDB DPserver-QET, YELLOW, Scheduled, , , -1
hdbdpserver, HDB DPserver-QET, YELLOW, Scheduled, , , -1

Step4:Starting SAP HANA DB System

log in to operating system using root where the SAP HANA db is running

hostname1:~ #

hostname1:~ # su - dhtadm

dhtadm@hostname1:/usr/sap/DHT/HDB00> sapcontrol -nr 00 -function StartSystem ALL

05.03.2021 08:06:52

Step4.1:Checking the status of  SAP HANA DB System process list if (running)
log in to operating system using root where the SAP HANA db is running

hostname1:~ #

hostname1:~ # su - dhtadm

dhtadm@hostname1:/usr/sap/DHT/HDB00> sapcontrol -nr 00 -function GetProcessList

05.03.2021 08:08:52
name, description, dispstatus, textstatus, starttime, elapsedtime, pid
hdbdaemon, HDB Daemon, YELLOW, Initializing, 2021 03 05 08:06:54, 0:01:58, 11594
hdbcompileserver, HDB Compileserver, GREEN, Running, 2021 03 05 08:07:14, 0:01:38, 11831
hdbdiserver, HDB Deployment Infrastructure Server, YELLOW, Scheduled, , , -1
hdbdiserver, HDB Deployment Infrastructure Server-DHT, YELLOW, Scheduled, , , -1
hdbdpserver, HDB DPserver-QET, GREEN, Running, 2021 03 05 08:07:16, 0:01:36, 11885
hdbdpserver, HDB DPserver-QET, GREEN, Running, 2021 03 05 08:07:16, 0:01:36, 11888
hdbdpserver, HDB DPserver-QET, GREEN, Running, 2021 03 05 08:07:16, 0:01:36, 11891
hdbdpserver, HDB DPserver-QET, GREEN, Running, 2021 03 05 08:07:16, 0:01:36, 11894
hdbindexserver, HDB Indexserver-DET, YELLOW, Initializing, 2021 03 05 08:07:16, 0:01:36, 11900
hdbindexserver, HDB Indexserver-QET, GREEN, Running, 2021 03 05 08:07:16, 0:01:36, 11903
dbindexserver, HDB Indexserver-DHT, YELLOW, Initializing, 2021 03 05 08:07:16, 0:01:36, 11915
hdbnameserver, HDB Nameserver, GREEN, Running, 2021 03 05 08:06:54, 0:01:58, 11613
hdbpreprocessor, HDB Preprocessor, GREEN, Running, 2021 03 05 08:07:14, 0:01:38, 11834
hdbwebdispatcher, HDB Web Dispatcher, YELLOW, Scheduled, , , -1
hdbxscontroller, HDB XS Controller, YELLOW, Scheduled, , , -1
hdbxsengine, HDB XSEngine-DHT, YELLOW, Initializing, 2021 03 05 08:07:16, 0:01:36, 11924
hdbxsexecagent, HDB XS Execution Agent, YELLOW, Scheduled, , , -1
hdbxsuaaserver, HDB XS UAA Server, YELLOW, Scheduled, , , -1

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